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IT Security

Good Practices

Want to learn more about the overall security requirements and best practices in IT security? Then you've come to the right place.

To personer arbejder med videofiler.

IT Security

Good Practices

Want to learn more about the overall security requirements and best practices in IT security? Then you've come to the right place.

To personer arbejder med videofiler.

This page is primarily aimed at project managers, system architects and system owners. But you are of course also welcome if you are interested in IT security at AAU.

Because Aalborg University is a public institution, it is required to work according to the principles of the ISO27001 standard. Therefore, this page has been prepared based on ISO27001. However, the good practice recommendations are also based on other input and knowledge from other relevant standards, performed risk assessments and experiences.

This page should be understood as procedures, good advice and practices, where the actual regulations for information security can be found in the Security Handbook.

1. General information

2. Asset Management

3. Access Control

4. Operational and IT Security

5. Communication Security

6. Acquisition, Development and Maintenance

7. Compliance

8. Appendix

Data Classifica... What?

Not sure what type your data is? Do you know how to store it correctly? And do you share it with others in a secure way? Read more about how to classify your information so it's handled correctly.

To personer arbejder sammen om en computer og en notesbog.
Read more about data classification here

Data Classifica... What?

Not sure what type your data is? Do you know how to store it correctly? And do you share it with others in a secure way? Read more about how to classify your information so it's handled correctly.

Read more about data classification here
To personer arbejder sammen om en computer og en notesbog.
Hånd placerer et mini-hus på model over boligkvarter.

Security Rules and Policies

Do you want to dive into the different rules and policies that have been developed in the field of information security?

Hånd placerer et mini-hus på model over boligkvarter.
Find AAU's security rules and policies here